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About me

Pablo's workshop was established in the mid-1980s.

It was founded by my father, Paweł Myczkowski, before I was born.

In 1982 he came to Wólka Krasienińska near Lublin, where Słoma lived.

He moved to the countryside and studied drums with Słoma.

It took a long time to manufacture the instruments.

The basic tools were a chisel, ax, planer, axle, hammer and an anvil. It was also difficult to obtain materials for the manufacture of drums, and even more difficult to gain knowledge of their manufacture.

Today, the Pracownia, although it does not operate on a massive scale, does not differ from the global standard, and the instruments are available all over the world - also from famous artists.


Mikołaj Myczkowski

Shopping in the store


Mikołaj Myczkowski Pracownia Pablo
Dąbrówka 174
21-132 Kamionka
Telefon: +48602450008
Email: kontakt@pablomusic.pl
Copyright © 2018 Mikołaj Myczkowski Pracownia Pablo. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Projekt i wykonanie Ambicode dla Mikołaj Myczkowski Pracownia Pablo.